WP Rapid Weapon Infusion Snowball Krul, Top Tiers, 2.10 Prep by Stoke

WP Rapid Weapon Infusion Snowball Krul, Top Tiers, 2.10 Prep

By: Stoke
Last Updated: Nov 30, 2017
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Stoke's Snowman

Ability Path

Shadows Empower Me
Heroic Perk
Dead Man's Rush
Spectral Smite
From Hell's Heart

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Baptiste No real threat for this build and stun and ult are very easy to block.
Ringo One of the easier carries to catch.
Rona WP melee posses no real threat in most situations. Though do not focus her before the carry since her ult can keep her alive for a bit.
Adagio Just make sure you or your captain can block the team stun. The only other threat is the slow that comes with the fire from healing.
Churnwalker Have not played against this character in high tier matches often. But does not seem to be much of a threat unless he can pull you off the ally, though this usually means he is way out of position anyway.
Glaive Most melee characters pose little threat, just avoid being positioned in poor locations by first ability.
Joule Not much to worry about, but a reflex block can come in handy.
Lyra One of my favorite supports, but low threat level for this build. Just expect healing zone to be used a a short sprint.
Phinn Low threat, just save him for last and avoid being pulled out of position.
Samuel Avoid ult, but no real threat to an assassin.
SAW May need some armor, but your stacks weaken basic attacks. Also you can stop his spin up from second ability with ult easily.
Vox Goes down quick with speed and ganking. Though the late game will hurt as with most carries.
Ardan Very common support due to the shield and slow for protecting squishy characters, but nothing too bad if you build some journey boots to keep up. Just focus on the accessible carry.
Fortress Can output decent burst damage in some builds, but as an enemy support he is really designed for keeping enemies on you which in this case is what you want.
Grace Be prepared for for slow, stun, and heal, but little threat due to low damage output.
Ozo Low threat, just expect ult and healing.
Petal No played a lot at high levels recently from my perspective. Pretty squishy, though expect some slow and the leap away.
Reim You are the king of 1V1, but do not expect Reim to go down easily. Focus on the carry first.
Reza Burst damage, but still melee so not much threat.
Baron The rocket leap with crystal and slow with weapon power can be a problem for killing this character, but if you initiate from Shadows Empower Me after the jump he is pretty squishy.
Blackfeather The ult can make this character elusive, but the crystal build is squishy and WP is not a real threat as melee. Still chosen often against Krul though.
Celeste Squishy, but will go down quick if you gank with Shadows Empower Me and block the upcoming stun.
Grumpjaw Need to block the ult, but other than that low threat.
Koshka Block the ult! Dead man's rush will block much of burst damage.
Lorelai Stun and slow from water could be devastating, but usually pretty squishy and rarely used effectively in team fights.
Skaarf Goop ugh, but goes down quick.
Taka Definitely a challenge to most krul builds, but with vision, buffer from dead mans rush, and critical damage make this character easy once you have a weapon infusion. Avoid fighting Taka (or any elusive character) without the weapon infusion.
Flicker Slow from the second ability is the biggest challenge here, but in many cases flicker is squishy enough to be focused.
Gwen The first ability slow and escape make ganking this character difficult, but can be done and easily taken out once on, so build some speed.
Idris Highly versatile character, but melee versions are of little threat and the defense should help against crystal.
Lance Very effective team fighter so watch out for first ability stun and build speed to catch back up to target.
Alpha A bit of an annoying character to fight and the assassin build can still work if the carry is squishy and accessible, but otherwise an assassin build may not be ideal since it takes so long to kill alpha.
Catherine Stuns are a pain for any assassin build making this a challenging support in team fights.
Kestrel Versatile character with high damage, but our damage is higher if you can stick to her.
Skye Get good at playing against this character and learn the good and bad potions to engage. Most frequent counter to any Krul, build still works. Just know you will be slowed from the barrage with frost burn and very elusive. Though with a good support and ganking goes down quick.
  No Threat

Short and Sweet Snowcream Summary Top

Attack Speed and critical chance focused build with necessary defense.
Buy a weapon infusion mid-game before central gold miner fills.
Wreck the other team

Most people probably hate the idea of wasting money on a temporary item this early in the game, but I assure you it is a huge game changer and significantly more effective with Krul at this point than any other character I have ever played. Also 90% of the time this build only requires 2 or 3 weapon infusions before the game is over. It snowballs quickly and almost effortlessly.

Intro Top

My VG name is Stoke,
I have been playing Vainglory for a few years now and Krul has always been my favorite jungler. Though admittedly this character often does not have the mobility or team synergy to be a top-tier choice. On the bright side, this means he is rarely banned in high tier matches. Over the years the top-tier team fights have gotten faster and many of the top played characters are incredibly elusive when played by high skill players which in turn has made the old juggernaut, Breaking Point Krul builds nearly useless in mid to late team fights in my opinion. This is not to say that there are not circumstances in which these builds still work. The other options are usually early game tension bow assassins which are great high tier choices, but are weaker against high defense characters, have a quicker late game drop off, and lower the high health regeneration that makes Krul fun to play. So I would like to present a snowballing critical Weapon Infusion centered build focused on wrecking squishy/elusive characters, as Krul will naturally hold his own against players who build more defensively with the high attack speed.

Starting Out Top

Krul has been given some good defensive stats in the early game, but in most situations, I still recommend playing defensively in the early game. Krul lives on attack speed so I highly recommend starting with Swift Shooter and the second item depends on the other team. Sprint Boots are an excellent choice in most situations, though if your team is going to have an aggressive start you may want to build toward some defense or add a Weapon Blade. Though in most cases Krul should avoid engaging the other team at lvl 1 due to his low damage output.

By lvl. 2 I recommend upgrading Spectral Smite a second time. This gives Krul a significant increase in health regen and a large burst damage increase at max stacks against other lvl. 2 characters and easily turns the common 2v2 jungle fights in your favor. (Note for a more classical start with faster clear speed go double Weapon Blade which later upgrade into six sins, and take Dead Man's Rush at lvl. 2)

Until the gold miner is almost filled it is really about focusing farming and supporting your lane when needed. Do not expect to go on a killing spree for the next few levels, just focus on getting the early priority build. The Kinetic Shield should be a priority if one of the enemy team members are building pure crystal rather than defense. Though if the team has significant stuns or is building an early Atlas Pauldron prioritize the Reflex Block (it is honestly the difference between decent and good players). Otherwise feel free to focus on the WP related items to increase clear speed.

Snowballing Top

"Do you want to build a snowman!"
Well if you made it to the team assassin point and managed to stay alive the game is practically in your hands no matter what the enemy team does. Essentially the Gold miner is about to fill for the first time and usually the next few minutes are critical to who will lose the first turret or two as well. Now until you pop the Weapon Infusion, admittedly, this Krul is pretty weak. He can hold his own, but he is not going to be carrying any team fights with this damage output. Though weapon infusion is the key to this build. At this point, we essentially have decent attack speed, critical chance, and defense to crystal/burst damage, but Weapon Infusion provides us a huge DPS bonus (and some defense).
The key is using it effectively. At this point in the game that should be pretty easy by either taking out an advanced enemy laner or attacking the jungle team. It will also allow you to clear the gold miner and/or a turret significantly faster. What you do is very team and game dependent, but your damage output during these two and a half minutes will allow you to easily take multiple objectives and begin taking from the enemy jungle. This is not an excuse to play without a strategy or go solo, but the damage output and health regen will allow Krul to dominate almost any player he can stick on for a few seconds at this point in the game. From here just continue farming and anytime an objective needs to be taken or team fight may break out use a weapon infusion. Play with the mindset to end the game quick and starve the enemy team with these huge power boosts. Once you make it to the feared snowman build the game should end quickly. Though if it does manage to go longer you will have to play more carefully for many late game builds become devastating with damage output making team fighting difficult for Krul, who cannot easily play a rotating strategy. Essentially you will have to focus on working as a team and ganking the carry in any way possible.

Tips Top

  • You are still essentially an assassin. So do not play this build like a regular Krul until at least one carry is down or not around. You can out burst damage almost any hero with a few critical hits followed by a spectral smite so don't worry about sticking to most ranged characters. Do your damage while they are slow and retreat for a possible round two if they are getting away.
  • Don't be afraid to force the other team to you with the gold miner or Kraken in the late game, you regenerate health.
  • Never chase someone you can't keep up with, it is almost always better to step back in brush and let Shadows Empower Me to recharge. This gives significantly increased options for attack and or escape.
  • Avoid the enemy miner until late game, the slow is too devastating for a character like Krul.
  • You have to block atlas pauldrons, and if you miss in a team fight back out and if possible recharge Shadows Empower Me before returning to the fight or using the slow to help a team member escape.
  • Use your ult for the stun/slow and try to maximize it by increasing the distance it travels (unless they or the support have an available block). It's also useful for stopping stunning abilities and nearly unblockable at close ranges.
  • If enemies are building high damage and no defense in crystal or weapon go for defense before more damage output.
  • If you are new and have not figured out the timing of blocking things, as an early strategy that can carry you up to and through simply amazing, in this build I recommend using it about 1 second after diving into any team fight. This will actually feel like a long time, but usually places the block at the time enemies will release atlas pauldrons or stuns. Though in the long run you just need to know the enemy heroes and for ones that are quick with little warning predict when it would be the worst moment to be stunned.

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