Aftershock Tanksha by Eatlotsofpie

Aftershock Tanksha

By: Eatlotsofpie
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2017
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Build #1

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Pouncy Fun
Twirly Death
Yummy Catnip Frenzy

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
SAW He's an incredibly low mobility carry who can be countered completely with an atlas pauldron. As soon as you buy that item, he won't be able to damage you or escape.
Skaarf Skaarf's fireballs are slow and easy enough to dodge thanks to koshka's high mobility. He also has very low mobility so he's an incredibly easy ganking target for the first seven minutes of the game. Take advantage of his ulti cast time to ult him yourself to cancel out his ult.
Grumpjaw Currently, all Grompjaw players are pretty bad since he's new, so it's unlikely they'll be able to kill you. But looking at him as a charatcer, he's easily kiteable, just dash in hit him a couple of times and run out while he winds up for 30 minutes to use any of his abilities.
Kestrel Kestrel is another immobile carry, just dash in and prepare a flare for when she goes invisible.
Skye Skye can be a little annoying with her forward barrage, but she has an unreliable dash and she's a big target to hit, so just dive her as usual.
Samuel Samuel's ult can be an issue if you don't have the best positioning and if he buys a frostburn the slows will be unbearable, but if you can dodge his ult and iinitial malice and verdict he'll be very vulnerable.
Gwen Gwen's slow is almost impossible to dodge, so you'll have to bear the 65% slow late game. Other than that, early game she's an easy ganking target as long as you can either dodge or reflex block her ult.
Baron Baron's got a lot of zoning control and a decent dash, just don't get hit by his missles too much as they really hurt.
Koshka If you're up against a crystal koshka, you will win all of your fights as you are the superior breed of koshka. If you're up against another tank koshka, then you're most likely up against me because I'm the only person who plays tank koshka in which case, you alreayd lost. In all seriousness, just keep your finger ready on that reflex block to stop her ult and then try to bait out her reflex block so you can ult.
Blackfeather His control on mobility rivals your own with his low cooldown cc immune dash and his slow. This is really just a skill match up.
Glaive When teamed up with a catherine or lance, his stun will be devastating, so you really need to perfect the timing on reflex block. However, once you get a pauldron, he'll be an easy kill.
Taka Another skill match up. Make sure you have flares ready and take advatnage of your passive so that when he goes into stealth, you'll be able to match his movement speed bonus.
Alpha While i don't have too much experience against alpha, try your best to dodge her dash (though it's not easy). There isn't much you can do about her ult and passive other than baiting alpha to go too deep and killing her before her team cleans you up.
Petal Petal is a pain to deal with all around. The best I can say is to build fountain and aegis and try to get it to use its jump before fully going in.
Lance Tanks are the bane of all diver assassins overall. Against Lance, you can move all around to get him to miss his root, but there isn't much you can do about him buying fountain and crucible to protect his carries.
Ardan Ardan's shield will make ganking incredibly difficult as it not only shields the enemy carry, but it'll also speed them up, making your empowered autos a lot harder to hit. As for his ult, make sure you have a crucible to protect your team from the stun.
Adagio Adaigo may seem easy to kill at first. After all, he's an immobile character without any type of dash, but adaigo players play extremely safe and when they do play aggressive, the jungler comes in and both of them wreck you. Just try and get a few hits in here and there, but don't tower dive him because of his heal.
Flicker Flicker's slows are very oppressive and it's a game of luck whether or not Flicker's team can use his ult correctly. Either they waste the stealth immediately or you end up realizing all three of them are on top of you.
  No Threat
Krul Late game Krul will be impossible to fight because of his lifesteal and the fact that your burst isn't as powerful as his. Even with a pauldron, his second abllity will deal huge damage and he can still deal high damage with his autos.
Catherine Early game before you can get all of your tank items, catherine's stun will leave you open to get kiled and late game she's too tanky to deal any damage to. The only way to beat her is to catch her out repeatedly in the jungle early game, preferably with another jungler or another catherine.
  No Threat

Why build Tank? Top

As much fun as it is to burst people down instantly with full crystal Koshka, her big weakness is jumping into a team fight and getting bursted down herself before she's able to use her fantastic mobility to escape. The simple solution for this is to build a bunch of tank items instead because her base damages on her abilities are already so high that you'll burst people down just as easily along while being a lot harder to kill. Of course, you need some form of damage other than your base damage since an aegis will lower those bases considerably. This is where aftershock comes in. being the only item that lets you deal % health damage, you don't need to stack crystal in order to deal 25% health with a single enhanced aftershock AA. With this, and potentially a tension bow if you're doing really well, your AAs will deal stupid damage that the enemy team can't mitigate and this'll all be done by the tank koshka.

Skills Top

Koshka is a very simplistic character with very simplistic skills, most of which have very high base damage.

Blood Rush Top

This is where a lot of her mobility comes from. It's great for ganking lanes after using a Pouncy Fun and deciding whether or not you want to kill or run. In team fights, do your best to keep this passive up at all times as it gives you 2 movement speed which you can use to jump in and out of the fight.

Pouncy Fun Top

While her most basic ability, it is also the ability with the most flexibility. Sure, you can use it solely for dashing in and getting some damage down with your TD, but you can also use it as an escape by dashing to minions or jungle camps along with juking out your opponents by running in one direction, dashing to them, and then running behind them with your passive. Against a krul, dashing to them will disorientate them and let you get out of chases that would've ended in your death.

Twirly Death Top

Her best ability. This is 75% of your damage, the best way to get your passive as it can hit stealthed characters as well, and is the first ability you max. The base damage on this and your enhanced AAs are so high that for most of the game, you don't even need aftershock to burst people down.

Yummy Catnip Frenzy Top

DO NOT INITIATE TEAM FIGHTS WITH THIS MOVE. As tempting as it may be to hide in a bush and then use this move to lock down an enemy carry, starting a fight with your ultimate will leave you wide open to the jungler and tank to promptly cc and then burst you.
Instead, use this move to catch out stragglers after a fight, use it in a ganking combo, or use it to stop a taka or krul from diving your carries.

Combos Top

Main jungle clear:
From the first jungle camp, this combo will deal about half of a treant's health and kill one of the backs or fronts.
Ganking combo pre 6:
PF-->TD-->AA-->AA-->Run the hell away
While adding an extra auto atack in between PF and TD would be ideal, you might miss the chance on getting both of your TD enhanced autos, so just play it safe and get the two empowered autos. And remember, after you get those autos, you're done, leave the lane. Tower diving pre 6 is a very bad choice unless you have at least 80% of your health.
Ganking combo post 6:
PF-->TD-->AA-->AA-->(Anytime after they use their reflex block)YCF-->TD-->PF... Oh they're already dead
Take advantage of the fact that your ultimate let's you stun the enemy for 2.2 seconds and use all your abilities first so then by the time your ult is finished, you can use your two abilities again.

Early Game (1-8 minutes) Top

After buying your items, immediately go to your side of the elder treant bush and wait there. Once the elder treant spawns wait about 5 second if the enemy junglers aren't attacking the elder treant and move to the other side. If you find them taking their front minions, immediately go in and harass them with TD and try to get some damage in to push them out of their jungle. If you have another person with you, have your sprint boots ready to potentially get a first blood or to run if you're playing against a Catherine.
Alternatively, if the enemy junglers start the elder treant, there are two things you can do.
1)Wait until the treant has 1/2 of its hp and engage on the jungler with the lowest hp to try and get first blood.
2)Wait until the treant has 1/3 of its hp and TD on both the Treant and the enemy jungler and then AA the treant to try and steal it from them before running away.
Once you've moved pass the Elder Treant contest, farm 3 camps (2 if you were able to steal the Elder) to get your lvl 2 and then look for a gank (Time will be about 2 minutes). Thanks to your passive, ganking will severely hurt the enemy laner and potentially even kill them right there.
If you get a kill, run back and depending on your health, go for one of your jungle camps to get the gold you need for travel boots and a reflex block (1400 gold).
If you don't get a kill, go back to your jungle and farm up until you can get your travel boots and reflex block. You'll be about 30-40 second behind.
From here, buy potions and flares as you see fit and keep your eye on the minimap. You want to gank at every oppurtunity you can because even with just a reflex block and boots, you're base damage is so high that you can deal 60% of a carry's health with a ganking combo.
Along with this, you want to get control of both jungles by stealing the enemy front minions and eventually their treant when you start getting ahead. In the instances where you get caught out in the jungle, use TD to proc your passive and then look for any jungle monsters to PF to to escape fairly easily. If you can, bait enemies into your crystal miner and then ult them to deal tons of damage.
As for your second shop, you can buy items as you see fit. personally, I like to buy chronograph and an eclipse prism along with an oakheart if I have some extra gold because it allows me to buy either aftershock, crucible, or contraption on my third shop.
Against matchups that heavily gank like krul, taka, or catherine, picking up an early flare gun rather than chronograph helps a lot in tracking down where exactly they are.
Afterwards, just keep ganking and helping your carry push towers thanks to your enhanced AAs.
You should get your first tank item and aftershock by 8-9 minutes.

Mid Game (8-15 minutes) Top

Mid game isn't too much different from early game koshka other than the fact that the enemies will have their first main damage item completed. Depending on whether or not they have a breaking point or a shatterglass, buy the appropriate kinetic shield or coat of plates to be able to gank without dying and continue building your tank items.
Just a note, if you're planning on buying a second damage item like tension bow, buy it sometime after upgrading your boots and getting another tank item. Buying the second damage item early will make you just as squishy as a normal koshka and you'll find yourself dying a lot more often.
If you're currently losing, stay in lane and keep the enemy laner in check. Do your best to dash to them and TD to get some damage in to get them off of the tower, but don't fully go in as the enemy junglers could be there to kill you. Your goal at this time is to just stall out the game and buy time for your team to scale up with their items along with slowly killing lane and jungle minions to get tanky enough to survive.

Late Game (15-When the enemy team surrenders... minutes) Top

This might be the weakest point for koshka as teams will be mostly grouped up in 3 and hiding in a bush. If you have a contraption and/or a strong enough jungle partner who can divert all of the enemy's attention on them, have them check bushes and then jump in and out of fights with your boots. Keep your eyes on your crucible and pauldron and use them accordingly. Your main goal in fights is to get rid of the carry along with baiting enemies to try and chase you while you kite them for your team.
Koshka isn't the best at taking kraken since she'll still take a good amount of damage from it. Personally i just ignore kraken altogether unless I have a krul on my team or we get a clean ace 18 minutes into the game.
Just pressure turrets and team fights and eventually win the game.

Extra Notes Top

You can speed up jungle farming by using TD on lane minions and running into your jungle. Your enhanced autos for TD last for 10 seconds, so by the time you get into your jungle and use your two enhanced autos, your TD will be off of cooldown and give you two more enhanced autos.

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