Rona in depth - 4 builds - english by Alioch

Rona in depth - 4 builds - english

By: Alioch
Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
5 Votes
Build 1 of 4


Build: Crit WP - recommended

Ability Path

Berserkers' Fury
Heroic Perk
Into the Fray
Red Mist

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Vox you said hit and run ? yeap, that counter you
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Introduction Top

Hi all, i am Alioch, Vainglory player since the beginning.
Today i am a big fan of Rona because i think she is a very flexible hero who can really adapt herself to her ennemy and to her team.
You got a bursty laner ? Rona can go dps. A dps laner ? Rona can do the burst ... CP or WP ? both are ok. I even tryed roamer with pretty good results for now.

Before going throught the explanation of each build, here is an overview of this guid :

I am french, bear my english.

Lexicon Top

WP = Weapon Power (red item)
CP = Crystal Power (blue item)
DPS = Damage per second ... refer to a hero dealing damage on a regular basis opposed to a bursty hero
AA = Auto Attack
AS = Attack Speed
AOE = Area of Effect
CD = Cooldown (of your abilities)
HP = Hit point
Ult = Ultimate / third ability
CC = Crowd Controle (slow, stun, silence)
OP = Over Powered

Strenght and Weaknesses Top


  • Hight attack speed
  • Free shield
  • CD reduce with AA
  • can engage and flee
  • Two way to reduce damage
  • is AOE
  • Melee
  • No full control over our ultimate (need rage)
  • make us slow ... damn slow
  • not much HP without item
  • Need item to deal damage

Abilities Top

This passif give free Attack Speed for reduce damage on hit.
70% damage, not 80% as writen in the description of this ability
The free shield at 100 rage is not to be overlooked !
Pretty good versus damage over time ( , ), or to heal on a jungle monster : the shield eat up any damage as heal us.

First of 's ability which allow to jump over things and leave a slow on the ground.
It is 's engage tool but also her only way to flee.
The damage reduction apply depending of the number of hero in the landing area, use it.
--> In a fight, you have to hit the maximum of ennemies with

Up this ability last, even on a CP build, is far more important.
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Up this ability first.
Take the overdrive, always, the bonus is triple :
  • 75 bonus damage for a total of 175 with both activations
  • 5 bonus rage for 25 in total, which increase more the damage of the second activation
  • 10% bonus AS for 50% total during 2 secondes.
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Up this ability when possible !
This ultimate deal LOT of AOE damage with a 175% ratio on WP.
IT DEAL WP DAMAGE , the 175% ratio at least (i don't know if the base damage is WP or CP).
It also give an armor/shield bonus of 40/60/80. Something around 400/600/800 gold for free.

One word : stay on top of your ennemy !!

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How is a critical strike working ? Top

A critical strike is an AutoAttack dealing 50% more damage, dealing 150% of your WP damage.

"Critical" item such as gives two stats :
  • critical chance
  • critical damage
gives 20% critical chance and 12% critical damage.
So, buying gives you 20% chance to deal 162% (150%+12%) damage on an AA.

With 100% critical chance, buying an item with crit stats will increase the critical damage which have no cap.

Why play crit ? Top

has a naturaly hight AS which help with on hit effects. Other heroes need to buy AS item in order to aplly the effect faster (talking about you ).

A second buff with Attack Speed is on crit probabilities... Let me explain.

Attacking once an ennemy with 50% critical chance gives a one-in-two chance to do a critical strike (yeah it look dumb). But it also gives you a one-in-two chance to do a normal AA ... so a one-in-two chance to waste your 2100 gold buying .
Attacking twice the same dude with half the damage and the same 50% critical chance gives two opportunity to do a critical strike. You won't deal more damage (i said half the damage), but the chance of not-doing critical damage are lower. So you make your item profitable.

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Repeat with 10 AA and you get more chance (not probabilities) to deal critical damage.

To summerize you don't increase your damage output but you "straighten" (if it's english) your damage with more opportunities to use critical chance.

Add to this with an AS buff and a CD reduction with every AA and you get another advantage going crit+attack speed.

Which build for Rona WP ? Top

I could say "which Rona for which team".

A crit build focus more on AA and less on abilities.
The biggest dilemma is "when should i go Crit Rona?" and "when should i go standard WP Rona?". Don't worry, you can change your mind at all time.

  • Higt AOE damage on ult with a a 175% WP ratio (ouch)
  • A bigger burst with applying the damage of a normal AA
  • A lower AS because we go straight for 8x and not .
  • An expensive core item ( if you didn't get it).
  • Not so much AA, so no real use of you hight AS, with a combo being : --> --> -->I-pray-not-to-die.

Hard to go against so many advantages, especially the totaly OP ratio of (which is AOE) ... dealing 525% WP damage with a good ult on 3 people ... Do you get why they nerfed lifesteal few patch ago ?

/ /
  • More powerfull AA and more AA, a lot more.
  • More AS giving more Foesplitter
  • More AS allowing a good use of Bonesaw.
  • More regular gain with crit item (cf. previous part).
  • Core items giving lot of flexibility early-mid game.
  • Less damage on ult than on AA if only one ennemy around.

In order to illustrate "More powerfull AA and more AA, a lot more." I like to talk about my tests in solo training on tower at one minute in game :
350 damage on AA and 470 damage on ult in a standard build.
470 damage on AA and 270 damage on ult in a crit build !! With more AS.
It's true that a full WP build almost never happen in game so you have to put the numbers into perspectives but it illustrate the differences between the two builds.

  • You want a burst but above all deal damage in team fight ?
  • There are a lot of 3v3 ?
  • You can stick to the ennemy team ?
  • You can survive more than 2 sec ?
---->>> Perfect for a standard build !!
I hope your team has lot of AOE CC
( , , ...)

  • You'd rather be strong in duel ?
  • There are few 3v3 ?
  • You want to take objectives faster ?
  • You can stick to one guy but not to three of them ?
  • You are against a tanky team and can abuse or because of longer fight ?
---->>> Perfect for a crit build !!
Because you need to stay on top of one guy, having teammates with a slow
, ... or speed buff ... is really helpfull.

Personnaly i prefer skirmish, invade the ennemy jungle and not-waiting for 3100 gold for my first . I go often with the crit build.

The good side is Rona's flexibility, you can easily go for a then or to build into crit.
On the contrary you can start with then come back to a standard build (not advise). You just need to build a tiers III crit item if you don't want to lose gold and will have made a little difference during the 15-20 first minutes.

Itemisation Top

is, before anything else, a WP jungler, this part is the climax, the peak, the cape, it's the peninsular of this guide with the detail for each WP item, defense item and utility.
For CP item, go to "Build CP"


Tiers I
It is the best start to increase your damage and allow the fastest level 1 clear in the jungle. It is also a good way to increase your damage when you have 300 gold. This item got pretty interesting Tiers III upgrade for us . I often buy two at my first shop especially if i plan to engage the enemy jungler.
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It is less efficient than but it's a good start when going CP. It upgrade into without the ennemy knowing your CP build, unusual for Rona.
Don't start with this.
However, is pretty strong with another crit item because it has the highest gold/crit ratio of the game.
Start with this only when laning. In jungle, your roamer should take the hit and if you get hit, you would heal with "healing monster" (does they have another name ?)

Tiers II
Core item in my opinion, it allow to survive long fight with a nice 10% lifesteal, interesting with a good . I don't think you have to upgrade it right away in as the flat lifesteal does not increase anymore.
Upgrade it when u got spare glod, a fight is coming or you need space for other item.
Really efficent item with another Tier II item as it increase your AA number and you can land in a 2v2 fight (where you don't die in 1 sec). Usually you should get another with this item.
Pretty good early/mid game item, it give a nice damage increase that can catch off guard your ennemy. Especially if you attack him BEFORE he can shop. Upgrade into , core item, or when going standard build.
It is the only item as gold efficient as .
20% chance to deal 162% damage, less efficient than . Personnaly i buy only when going for a tiers III item but lacking some gold.
This item make a part of your weapon damage to pass by all of the enemy's armor ... it is called true damage. It make this item more or less efficient depending of the ennemy's armor and your damage.
I get it only when going ... it may be a mistake, i work on it.
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Less gold efficient than , I recommand to get it only after when going or if you rush .

Tiers III
Allow to reduce your target armor for each AA, really good combo with which does apply the effect (if i'm not mistaking). It allow to get 3 or 4 stacks quickly (24% armor reduction).
Become core item when the ennemy build lot of armor or if your team has several WP build .
Core if the fights are long : 48% armor reduction (8 stacks) is always strong.
Having two in the team is not gold efficient.
Here is the item that will make you win or lose a game like a 10 kill at 5 minutes in game.
I put it as first item in Build 2 to "inspire curiosity", i get it first only when i get several earlly kills as the higher level you should have compensate the low stat of this item early in the fight.
This item become, in 10 secondes, more powerfull than two tiers III WP item ... if you hit an enemy ... it is the less efficient item early in the fight or in the jungle.

It is however a good third WP item in many build

Question : Are 10 secondes a long or a short periode of time ? Answer and more in the spoiler.

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It is not anymore a core item for me as the lifesteal increase less than it use to be. After your 600-1200 first damage you only get 10%.
Moreover the tiers III upgrade only grant this passif and 8wp (lol).
I finish when i need space for other item or when i want to fight and have some 850 gold in my hand.
This is a core item for our standard build, is almost as gold efficient as with a gain of 65wp on upgrade for 1300 gold (same gold efficiency as ).
I often buy a second one as a fith item if ahead and building standard
It is the best item for someone refusing to invest in the lucky-notlucky crit mechanics.
This item will make you a bursty hero !
It make your engage stronger on but i feel like the 2300 gold are way more usefull on WP if the fight make you AA more than three time ... someone should do the math ...
I do not advise to buy this item
Thinking of the day:
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Welcome in Attack Speed's world of madness.
Beside the stats (dps-%crit-crit damage) this item has several good point :
  • "straighten" more your crit chance, making other crit item more gold efficient.
  • Apply 's stacks sooo much faster that you laught when the ennmy finaly buy
  • So much more , rage and free shield throught
  • You use more doing another AA per second.
However, this item deal damage only with your WP, you need some too. It is a really good second or third WP item ... Never first please.
You are not , having two is not worth. It is fun, but not gold efficient.
Very interesting stats, especially the 40% crit chance making this item the best on this stat.
The 50 WP are nice too as they become 85 WP on a crit.
is one the most expensive tiers III item with an upgrade cost of 1200 gold and a total cost of 2750 gold ( upgrade cost 1300 gold for a total of 3100).
On the other side, the Tiers II item to build it are among the less interesting (gold efficient if you prefer). That put us behind before upgrading into

Building become interesting at that point (spoiler) :
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Really interesting comparison, conclusion at the end in orange :
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No, i won't go throught every defensive item, is overall a WP jungler. I'll focus on what suit her.

Tiers III
ONLY buy it when an enemy CP is fed or when they go with 2 CP build and some CC.
This should be built by your roamer, it is not your job to heal yout team.
However, if the enemy team has no cc but lot of CP, it is a good alternative to .
Personnaly i build only when going
My default defense item. Gives you a BIG chunk of HP, really usefull when the enemy team deal as much CP as WP. I often go for early, as the active can often turn a fight, but finish my third item before upgrading into .
ONLY buy it if the ennemy team has one hero based on AS : , , ...
Your roamer should build it, if he does, it is more interesting for you to go for .

Perfect item against WP hero, it is good ONLY if you have some HP. Really good combo with or .


As melee hero, your job is to sit on top of enemies. The passif goes off in fight, i'm talking about the active part that allow you to catch anyone ... if you got better shoes.
As melee hero, your job is to sit on top of enemies ... Remind me something ...
More seriously, 40% slow for 2,8 secondes during 6 secondes, that's a 8,8 secondes slow !
500 HP free with it ... only 100 less than

For me it is a core item.

I'm not yet building like , going with this as first item, but it is often my second or third choice.

Build CP Top

Can also be played as Crystal Power, lucky for a hero based on AA.

CP burst = +

  • 100% and 120% CP ratio for both cast.
  • reset your AA which allow to proke immediately after. It gives 115% CP on the AA following .
Total of 335% CP.
The 50% AS buff has a really good synergy to clean up the dude that survived throught your burst.

It got a nice output of AOE damage ... If you inflict the rupture's damage.
The CP ratio on landing is 100% (only) but on rupture it's 200%.
Total of 300% CP.

A good combo can go for a full 635% CP on one guy in 2 sec (and 300% CP for the poor soul standing in .)


Tiers III
Core item for a CP build.
It allow to clean the jungle really fast and add a 115% ratio just after . More AS allow more .
CP is a bursty champ with long CD, she need the dps given bye .

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Core item especially if low on CC.
100 CP and a slow, really usefull against some heroes excelling at hit and run (like or ).
The slow is weaker than 's, as a melee hero you can go for over , or both of them.

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Core item.
150 CP ... In your face dude.
You can go for it as a first item, the burst on is stronger but after that your useless.

Niche item
Really efficiant if ennemy build lot of HP.
CP is built on the initial burst of , it's not advisable to wait the 2s before the 2cd use of in order to proke a second time.
When using u can't really use the passif.
Two strong point :
  • CD reduction
  • Lifesteal
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Not as good as it seems
CP is built on the initial burst of you can't really use the passif.
If the enemy build LOT of shield, you might think about it ...

Rona Roamer (updated) Top

You can also play as a roamer, there is a little something of a troll build, but success is possible.

I play roamer doing a build WP 2 upside down:
Start with defense ( , ...)then .

If your team doesn't feed, you can go 4th item (not counting ).
It gives something like that :

is a core item since it deal damage to hero.
can replace if the ennemy buy armor.

The most important thing you must remember as roamer is
You are not a carry anymore.

Not beeing a carry mean many things : you must let your friends farm, you must let your friends take the kills, you must not leave them alone, you will die for them.

is a tricky roamer because contrary to , , or you don't have any hard cc (stun) and no reliable way to protect your team (heal/shield). That's why it's really important to choose your item wisely in order to compensate your weaknesses as a support.
But it's even more important to anticipate and choose your fight. If you engage (with for exemple), you have no way to protect your carry from 's burst.

Why play Rona Roamer then ?
  • has 2 way to increase her defense, making her a really difficult hero to kill if built tanky.
  • allow you to deal damage based on rage, so even without building WP you hurt in early-mid game.
  • apply a mortal wound, reducing healing bye 50%, making it a really good counter to or any hero using /

The most important point is the first one. I'm sure you have read the explanation and understand how building tanky make this item strong.

That beeing said you understand why building HP and using 's passif armor/shield buff, which make you really tanky, is a good combo with

This is the set of mind behind this build : become tanky, engage, abuse .

But you musn't forget your job : beeing the roamer.

  • Your job as a roamer is to help your team getting fed.
  • You are in charge of the vision because your jungler and your laner should put most of there gold in WP or CP.
  • You are the tanky dude going first because you can't be burst down easily and if you do get burst down, the ennemy team would have burn there spells on you and your carries would have not making it a possible win for your team.

    I'll go throught a quick overview of the core item, it's nearly the same as before, but not exactly.


    Tiers III
    You should not rush this item, it doesn't help you def your team. It is however an option late game if you are facing a fed CP hero.
    Combine with it allow to keep one for you and one to save a friend.
    CORE ITEM. You have no way to help your team survive, you need to be able to save a friend with this. Never skip this item.
    Always try to keep your team healthy with it, use it on you only if you are really going to die.
    As the healing take time, it is a good combo to use and to save a friend. The shield will stop any damage and let the healing do it's job.
    Make you tanky and you have a way to shield your team.
    As the roamer it is your job to save your to save your teammates from a deadly stun like or .
    Try to keep the active for your team, even if it's mean getting stun... obviously, use it if you might die of this stun.
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    ONLY buy it if the ennemy team has one hero based on AS : , , ...
    As a tip, , , can go WP without building Attack Speed, look at the item they have before going .

    If you only need to survive a WP burst, but they don't build AS. It's good ONLY if you have some HP. Really good combo with or .


    Yeah this item definitly need a part for itself. Buy it, often.
    Vision avoid gank, vision allow gank, vision allow to steal the enemy's jungle, vision allow to take objecives safely.
    You are the roamer, it is your job to give vision.
    I buy one or two everytime i go at the shop even if it delay my item.

    If you are facing or , always keep one to use in fight when they turn invisible.

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    Core item.
    This item allow you to clean the jungle really fast, helping your jungler going faster.
    Faster clear = more time to gank or invade
    Faster clear = get objectives faster

    On top of it you deal true damage to turrets and heroes ... it's OP.
    As a melee roamer, your job is to stay with your team. The passif goes off in fight, i'm talking about the active part that allow you to catch anyone ... friend or ennemy.
    Upgraded boots gives HP and HP regen, it can make the difference between life and death.
    Core item. You only have one slow, with a 14 sec CD, you need this to protect you carries or catch up the ennemy.
    40% slow for 2,8 secondes during 6 secondes, that's a 8,8 secondes slow !
    500 HP free with it ... only 100 less than
    Uprgade your when you feel you need it... not helping much to make a decision ...
    It really is about needs, i usually buy one of these as last item.
    is a really good way to runaway or catch up with an ennemy as a team. It can really help with saving a friend. Don't forget that the more people are affected, the longer the speed buff stay.
    If you often see ennemies escaping with 100 HP, it can be a good option. If you often see a friend getting kill alone, it can help too.
    In a "hit and run" team it's a good item : engage, kill someone, run away, wait for your CD, do it again.
    It also counter "hit and run"
    It also gives you 400 HP, always nice as a tank.

    is a really good way to take map control and always have a available or a . When against it could be consider a core item even thought are as efficient.
    The 30% CD reduction are really good on as other CD item aren't really good, it makes a 9 sec spell.

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Tips and Tricks Top

Here are some tips that didn't really fit in other parts of this guide. They won't change the game but you might farm faster, increase your dps or jut learn something.

reset your AA. You can use it by casting just after an AA, making it two really quick AA. You can do it twice as got a second cast. This trick can really increase your burst doing 3 or 4 AA instead of just the 2 of .
When having you apply stacks faster this way.

stop when you cast another ability.
When under , you can "jump" on an enemy using , gain some rage (25 on 's first cast ... don't use the second cast), max your rage with 1-2 AA, gain a free shield, then go again. You'll use your ult longer, stay on top of someone and gain a free shield (the shield benefit from the armor buff of ).

gives armor and shield, you can use this to reduce damage ( , ...).
However, you should better run out of than get some 80 shield buff and get slower.

You can make the "healing monster" near base follow you to the two monster near minion mine. With you can then farm faster.

Piercing or shreading armor
all mechanic's explanation.

Damage reduction with armor and shield :

Thanks Top

Thanks to all reader, especially if you did go throught everything (you deserve a compliment).
Thanks to all the players in game that went throught my testing in game ... not knowing it.
A special thanks to BlueBadger who wrote this guide explaining lot of thing, allowing me to build better.

I hope you discovered new things, maybe a new way to play .
I hope you liked this build.
If you liked it, thumb up plz, it really helps, if you use my build, i would enjoy hearing your feedback.

For the few (i hope) that didn't like it or just didn't understood something, do not hesitate to ask, i'll take the time to answer.


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